NXT Motor-Tetrix Interfacing
FTC DC Motor 6:1 Gearbox, slows Tetrix and AndyMark DC motors by 6:1.
Hitec Servo to Tetrix Channel, supports the axle through the Tetrix channel.
NXT Motor Drive to Tetrix Hub, connects NXT motor drive to a Tetrix hub, axle, gear, sprocket...
NXT Motor Drive to Tetrix Channel, connects the orange NXT motor output to a Tetrix channel.
NXT Motor Bottom to Tetrix Channel, connects the bottom of an NXT motor base to a Tetrix channel.
NXT Motor Side to Tetrix Channel, connects the side of an NXT motor base to a Tetrix channel.
Tetrix Tank Tread/ Conveyor Sprockets, standard and smaller sizes.
NXT Brick Interfacing
NXT Brick to L-Com USB Surge Protector bracket.
Power Distribution
Wago Power Bus Bracket, creates a power + ground bus with 2 Wago connectors.
Samantha Supports
Full Bracket from AndyMark and FTC4251.
Partial Bracket, slightly less support but can be printed on a slightly smaller 3D printer.
Standoff Support, only supports Samantha USB and power cables. Much smaller.
Purchase COTS 3D Printed Parts
If you absolutely, positively cannot print these parts on your own, you can purchase
printed versions of many of these parts at the link below. The costs there are the costs
charged by Shapeways: there is no markup added.
CHEER4FTC Shapeways Shop
Other Shapeways Shops with interesting parts:
Azul Robotics Shapeways Shop